Before you feel like you should read one more article about being productive or maximizing your productivity levels, remember to be kind to yourself and not be so hard on yourself. You can’t possibly become productive overnight. It is a long and time taking process.
You’ve probably spent years cultivating your work habits–both good and bad, consciously or subconsciously–and those won’t immediately change. It would help if you started with small steps, which leads to long-lasting changes.
Productivity Ideas you don’t want to miss
It seems easy when you are reading self-help and productivity books. However, in reality, the process requires discipline and time. So be patient and kind through the rough patches, and keep trying.
Let’s dive in.
Prioritize your work
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you are avoiding big tasks? You think that you’ll be more productive if you do a low-impact job first and leave the rest for now. However, most of us have been in this situation.
This behavior can lead to severe consequences, like missing big projects and deadlines. It is a fact that you will get more done after you finish your most panic-inducing task than if you put it off. Not only that but you’ll:
- Feel less anxious
- Have more energy
- Enjoy a feeling of accomplishment
But the thing is, how do you decide which task is important? Which job is necessary but not urgent? This is the point where The Eisenhower Matrix comes into play. It is the best way to achieve long-term goals.
The importance and urgency is the best method to prioritize your work in your to-do list. You could always seek help from productivity apps other than the matrix method.
Make time for thought-provoking tasks.
Once you are sure about what tasks should be done first, you will have plenty of time on essential duties. You will look at your calendar and see that you have free time between meetings. However, the time is not distributed correctly.
Productivity experts like Cal Newport and Nir Eyal believe that good work requires two or more hours of uninterrupted time. The short breaks are of no use. On average, a person needs 25 minutes and 26 seconds to get back on track.
And context switching costs more than 40% of the productive time. Other studies show that a person needs at least 5 hours to work on thought-provoking tasks. In short, you should spare at least 2-4 hours for your profound and essential duties.
Implement a No-Meeting Day
The no-meeting day should not be implemented in a top-down approach. It is suggested to talk to the stakeholders first. Explain to them the concept and what your expectations are of such activity. Be flexible in whatever you plan to implement at your firm.
You could arrange whiteboard sessions, external interviews, and meetings with technical staff. However, skip the one-on-one and team meetings for the day. It will help the team put in the necessary time and effort on the essential tasks for the day without any interruptions.
Moreover, you could also introduce “Blackout Periods” at your firm. During this time, the employees are not expected to work or respond to any internal communication. They will spend this time with families and friends.
Time Blocking Technique
Now you have quite the idea of which tasks need uninterrupted time. But you still find yourself going back to the other functions and losing focus. Moreover, you are spending more time than required on a particular task.
The considerable tech leaders of today, Elon Musk and Bill Gates, used the time blocking technique to avoid losing productivity. This technique helps you set a time for a specific task in your to-do list. It is up to you now whether you want good results or bad.
Moving one step higher, you can also apply the time batching technique. In this, you will group similar tasks to work on the same kind of work for a longer time. It helps reduce the context switching and enhances focus.
Invest in time management
Some people are born with management skills. However, it is possible that you can learn time management through training and workshops. To stay productive and efficient throughout managing time properly is the key.
It is a proven fact that employees who attend time management pieces of training feel less stressed at work. They know how to control emotions and stay productive during working hours. Time management training must have the following:
- Train employees to understand their role in the firm other than the task
- More focus on staying attentive throughout the work
- The curriculum should incorporate workflow management as well
If you continue educating your employees, your company will make a massive difference in the Business world.
Bonus tip: You can also develop custom productivity software for your company. Or subscribe to premium productivity software.
Find time for physical activity.
To hit the productivity scale, you should also be working on personal development. Your mind, body, and soul must be at peace. Developing a habit of light workouts helps you stay on track.
It is a proven fact that physical activity once a day helps to improve the productivity and efficiency of an individual. Exercise is not always about losing weight and staying in shape. It is about the mental peace you achieve from training.
Exercise helps you stay active because it increases your alertness. It enhances blood flow and cardiovascular health; you’ll be less anxious, more focused, and capable of dealing with stress.
Ask for help
People usually feel ashamed to ask for help. They think that asking for help will make them feel low. Suppose you want to achieve intellect, then you must develop the habit of taking the support. Whenever you interact with other people, you will learn something new.
It’s okay that your colleagues are more intelligent and know different things. You have the opportunity to take help and gain knowledge. It’s your time to make the most out of such an opportunity. Not to mention, this could save you tons of time in the long run.
Yes, it may be difficult at first to sparse out a few extra minutes here and there to watch a video or call a support line, but in the end, it’ll help you be more efficient with those tasks.
Wrap up – Creative Ideas To Become Productive
You have read our guide, and now you know several ways to increase productivity. However, it is up to you which one to follow. Enhanced productivity levels help your team and company grow globally and make a difference.
Moreover, you could get subscriptions to different productivity software or extensions to help you even more.
Reach out to us to get your team on the same page and deliver more projects on time.
Frequently Asked Questions
What will make you more productive?
Tackle your challenging tasks before lunch. Knock out your most challenging work when your brain is fresh. If you have any busy work or meetings, save them for the afternoon. By scheduling your day this way, you’ll be able to create a new and more productive way to manage your time.
Can you be productive at home?
Fortunately, the following strategies can help you stay motivated when you work from home.
- Create a Schedule.
- Establish a Dedicated Workspace.
- Work in Small Blocks of Time.
- Limit Distractions.
- Practice the “10-Minute Rule”.
- Reward Yourself.
- Challenge Yourself.
- Practice Good Self-Care.
Why is it important to be productive?
Productivity gives you purpose. Having a purpose in your life gives you a reason to get up every morning, and when you reach a goal, your self-esteem rockets. Striving towards something gives you energy, focus, and conviction; people who lack this direction are rarely happy.