How to delete your TikTok Account Permanently in 2022?

How to delete your TikTok Account Permanently in 2022?

TikTok is one of the famous social media apps. It has become popular over the past few years not only among the TikTokers but also the people who have never used this application.

Surprisingly, old people are also aware of this application, because all the teenagers today are making videos on it 24/7. Maybe you are one of the users who have never used this application.

Or maybe you are the one who has downloaded it and enjoyed it. If you are the second one, then there are chances that you are now bored of this application and now want to get rid of it forever.

Well, deleting the application is not going to make any difference. Because you can just go back and download it again.

However, if you plan to delete the account permanently, it will eliminate the chances of re-installing the app. We have compiled this guide for users on how to delete TikTok permanently in 2022. There are just a few steps to follow to complete the process. 

TikTok is popular – Blessing or Condemnation 

Similar to Instagram, TikTok has become a worldwide platform for influencers. It has popular content creators with over 10 million users.

Anyone can download this application, shoot a video, and upload it to the profile. However, excessive use of everything can lead to addiction.

It can further disturb your daily life and you can lose to live a properly balanced life. A large proportion of TikTok users are obsessed with achieving a higher number of followers. 

TikTok has realized this overuse of applications, so they added an amazing Digital Wellbeing feature that limits your time on the application.

However, the reality is this feature is customizable and you can always change the settings. If you have no passion for this application and just using it for fun. It is time you re-evaluate your life goals and plan to delete this application once and for all. 

Things you should know before deleting TikTok in 2022 

There are a few things that must keep in your mind before you delete your account permanently from this application. You have to say goodbye to all of the followers and the content uploaded on this application.

If you have paid for any additional features on this application do not expect any refunds. As soon as you delete the account permanently, the account is first deactivated and then deleted permanently. 

TikTok gives you 30-days to re-think your decision. You can come back to the application within these 30-days and not after that. Once you are over 30-days there is no going back.

So, if you are serious to get rid of this application, uninstall it as soon as you deactivate your account. Most importantly, your comments on others’ content will be visible even after you delete your account.

So, it is better to change the username before you delete the account. 

How to permanently delete TikTok in 2022?

Well, to delete the application you should follow the steps mentioned below. These steps with help you get rid of the account once and for all. 

Step #1 

Open the TikTok application on your smartphone and log in to the account. 

Step #2 

Go to your home page and click on the three dots in the upper-right corner.  

Step #3

You will see the privacy and settings. Find “Manage my Account” and click on it. 

Bonus Tip: Do not forget to add a phone number to the application as you will not be able to delete the application without it. 

Step #4 

Scroll and find the option “Delete Account”. 

Step #5 

The application will send a verification code to your number. As soon as you receive it adds it to the Verification pop-up menu. Enter the 4-digit code and continue. 

Step #6 

The app will ask for the final confirmation to delete the account and all of the data you have ever uploaded. 

Step #7

A box will then pop up on your screen. Click on the “Delete Account” option and you are done!

Congratulations! You have successfully deactivated the application. It will be deleted permanently after 30-days. 

Final Thoughts – Deleting TikTok Permanently

It’s a fun way to spend time, but it can also be a huge time waster. Users may be disappointed in themselves for allowing themselves to be sucked into the app and wasting so much time and energy watching useless short videos.

But there’s no need to feel bad; it was designed to be that way.

In the meantime, keep sharing the article with your friends and show them how simple it is to permanently delete a TikTok account so that they can do the same if necessary!

Frequently Asked Questions 

How long does it take TikTok to delete your account permanently?

When you attempt to delete your TikTok account, it is only disabled for 30 days, so it is not visible to the public. If you manage to survive for more than thirty days, your account and all of its contents will be permanently deleted.

What will happen when you delete the TikTok account?

You will no longer be allowed to access your videos or other content after deleting your TikTok account. If you made purchases in the app, you will not be eligible for a refund.

Does uninstalling TikTok helps?

No, removing the TikTok application will not help you get rid of it forever. Moreover, it will not erase your content.  The video will remain intact if you reactivate your TikTok account after 30 days.

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